Posted in Inspiration, tiny house decorating, Tiny Houses

Tiny Home Decorating

Yes you guessed it this will be the go to place for tiny home decorating ideas.  I cannot believe I hadn’t considered this section to me my idea of decoration is simply creating but I will desire a special flare in my space, I know that I will.

Of course, nice fluffy cushions on the sofa, lots of windows with curtains, blues and browns in the bath.  My custom designed bookshelf with an image of my tattoo on it that can be seen from the entire space.  Plants in a special spot of their own plus window shelf sills.  Cubby holes as stairs. I adore the look of french doors but I fear I will be a scaredy cat with having two glass doors on my house,

  • Like the one on this PAGE their set up is open and simple, but I find it inviting.
  • The stairwell in this one has the railing I desire and storage but not style.
  • Very nice decorator shelving around the lofted edges of this home.

I know I should get pass that FEAR but right now I believe I might go for a solid wood door of purple, some carved vintage and with lots of character.


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